2022-06-17 | BioGas manufacturing equipment

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You have Expensive natural gas, fuel for heating and electricity generation.
We have a best solution for you.
>We offer you to solve this problem by producing your own biogas.
We have a full cycle of equipment for the production and purification of biogas.
You can buy plants for the production of industrial volume as well as mobile options for use in the household and farm.
And, of course, biogas generators to produce electricity
The Power ranging from 2kW to 3000kW which covers varied types for general and special users,
including soundproof type, mobile type, containerized type, intelligent type, high voltage generators etc.
Biogas is a blend of methane, carbon dioxide, and small quantities of other gases.
The compound can be successfully used as a renewable energy source. Biogas is a byproduct of anaerobic digestion from biomass (organic materials).
All organic waste can be used to produce biogas. You can use raw materials such as agricultural waste,
municipal waste, plant material, manure, human feces, sewage, garden (green) waste, or food waste.
NEW Biomass Gasifier system:
Our Haitai Power Machinery company has more than 10 years of experience in generator and biogas energy and biomass gasification industry.
We are leading China biomass gasifier for sale manufacturer, supplier and exporter.
Adhering to the pursuit of perfect quality of products, so that our biomass gasifier for sale have been satisfied by many customers.
Extreme design, quality raw materials, high performance and competitive price are what every customer wants, and that's also what we can offer you.
Of course, also essential is our perfect after-sales service. If you are interested in our biomass gasifier
for sale services, you can consult us now, we will reply to you in short time!
Our biomass gasification process includes three steps.
The First step is biomass gasification, which convert biomass into syngas.
The Second step is syngas purification. The producer gas coming from gasifier usually contains contaminants including dust, coke, tar and etc.
The contaminants will be removed by the purification system to ensure normal operation of gas engine.
The Third step is power generating in gas engine. The high temperature exhaust gas may be reused by waste heat boiler to generate steam or hot water for civil or industrial use).
Biogas, as a source of renewable energy, can play a crucial role in achieving a balanced, harmonious, and sustainable development, ensuring economic competitiveness and reducing the environmental degradation
Biogas is a promising renewable energy source and can be either captured from landfills or produced from a variety of wastes. If entirely utilized, biogas yields from existing organic wastes could satisfy about 20% of current natural gas use. Biogas technology is scheme for solving growing issues with natural gas.
It could be applied for more advanced applications such as vehicular fuel throughout the world.
Biogas is formed by bacteria during the anaerobic degradation of organic material. The degradation is a very complex process and requires certain environmental conditions as well as different bacterial populations. The degradation process also takes a long time. The more time that is allowed for the process to take place, the more complete the generation will be and the more biogas will be produced. The anaerobic process is also partly dependent on temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster is digestion and biogas production.

There are two optimum temperature ranges for methanogens (methane producing bacteria), one at 30-40°C and one at 50-60°C. These are known as the mesophilic and thermophilic ranges respectively. To operate at the higher temperature range a heating system must be employed.
The rate of methane generation approximately doubles for every 10°C rise. Temperature fluctuations should be minimized since they severely inhibit the methanogens. Toxic substances in feeds can severely inhibit the rate of digestion.
Different materials will give different gas yields. If more material is added, the biogas production from the digester will increase. At the same time, the gas yield per unit material will decrease as the retention time is shortened. A mixture of different materials will usually give a higher yield than the volume of gas produced from each one in separate digestion.
One commonly used parameter is the C/N (carbon/ nitrogen) ratio in the fuel stock materials. It has been found that the optimum ratio is between 20 and 30:1 and that too high a ratio restricts the microbial process due to a lack of nitrogen for cell formation while too low a ratio increases the shift

Please contact us below
We have a best solution for you.
>We offer you to solve this problem by producing your own biogas.
We have a full cycle of equipment for the production and purification of biogas.
You can buy plants for the production of industrial volume as well as mobile options for use in the household and farm.
And, of course, biogas generators to produce electricity
The Power ranging from 2kW to 3000kW which covers varied types for general and special users,
including soundproof type, mobile type, containerized type, intelligent type, high voltage generators etc.
Biogas is a blend of methane, carbon dioxide, and small quantities of other gases.
The compound can be successfully used as a renewable energy source. Biogas is a byproduct of anaerobic digestion from biomass (organic materials).
All organic waste can be used to produce biogas. You can use raw materials such as agricultural waste,
municipal waste, plant material, manure, human feces, sewage, garden (green) waste, or food waste.
NEW Biomass Gasifier system:
Our Haitai Power Machinery company has more than 10 years of experience in generator and biogas energy and biomass gasification industry.
We are leading China biomass gasifier for sale manufacturer, supplier and exporter.
Adhering to the pursuit of perfect quality of products, so that our biomass gasifier for sale have been satisfied by many customers.
Extreme design, quality raw materials, high performance and competitive price are what every customer wants, and that's also what we can offer you.
Of course, also essential is our perfect after-sales service. If you are interested in our biomass gasifier
for sale services, you can consult us now, we will reply to you in short time!
Our biomass gasification process includes three steps.
The First step is biomass gasification, which convert biomass into syngas.
The Second step is syngas purification. The producer gas coming from gasifier usually contains contaminants including dust, coke, tar and etc.
The contaminants will be removed by the purification system to ensure normal operation of gas engine.
The Third step is power generating in gas engine. The high temperature exhaust gas may be reused by waste heat boiler to generate steam or hot water for civil or industrial use).
Biogas, as a source of renewable energy, can play a crucial role in achieving a balanced, harmonious, and sustainable development, ensuring economic competitiveness and reducing the environmental degradation
Biogas is a promising renewable energy source and can be either captured from landfills or produced from a variety of wastes. If entirely utilized, biogas yields from existing organic wastes could satisfy about 20% of current natural gas use. Biogas technology is scheme for solving growing issues with natural gas.
It could be applied for more advanced applications such as vehicular fuel throughout the world.
The Biogas Process
Biogas is formed by bacteria during the anaerobic degradation of organic material. The degradation is a very complex process and requires certain environmental conditions as well as different bacterial populations. The degradation process also takes a long time. The more time that is allowed for the process to take place, the more complete the generation will be and the more biogas will be produced. The anaerobic process is also partly dependent on temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster is digestion and biogas production.

There are two optimum temperature ranges for methanogens (methane producing bacteria), one at 30-40°C and one at 50-60°C. These are known as the mesophilic and thermophilic ranges respectively. To operate at the higher temperature range a heating system must be employed.
The rate of methane generation approximately doubles for every 10°C rise. Temperature fluctuations should be minimized since they severely inhibit the methanogens. Toxic substances in feeds can severely inhibit the rate of digestion.
Different materials will give different gas yields. If more material is added, the biogas production from the digester will increase. At the same time, the gas yield per unit material will decrease as the retention time is shortened. A mixture of different materials will usually give a higher yield than the volume of gas produced from each one in separate digestion.
One commonly used parameter is the C/N (carbon/ nitrogen) ratio in the fuel stock materials. It has been found that the optimum ratio is between 20 and 30:1 and that too high a ratio restricts the microbial process due to a lack of nitrogen for cell formation while too low a ratio increases the shift

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