2022-10-14 | DTH Surface Drill Rig - Big sale promotion

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We offer for you the best prices for new Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig
1. It is designed for drilling 90-130 mm
2. Diesel powered down-the-hole (DTH) rigs have excellent maneuverability, smaller footprint and the ability to serve multiple locations.
3. DTH Surface Drill Rig is a trusted machine for mining and construction companies and contractors engaged in presplitting and conventional production blasthole drilling.
This product is continuously improved as technology advances. The difference between the parameters and the actual product is subject to the actual product.
Submit the form for more parameters and quotes.
1. It is designed for drilling 90-130 mm
2. Diesel powered down-the-hole (DTH) rigs have excellent maneuverability, smaller footprint and the ability to serve multiple locations.
3. DTH Surface Drill Rig is a trusted machine for mining and construction companies and contractors engaged in presplitting and conventional production blasthole drilling.
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW916 - 5 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW920 - 5 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW910 - 5 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW910B - 10 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW912A - 10 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW912B - 10 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig W925 - 10 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW925G - 20 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW930 - 20 units
- NEW Separated DTH Surface Drill Rig HHW931 - 15 units
- NEW Integrated DTH Surface Drill Rig W921T - 15 units
- NEW Integrated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW923 - 15 units
- NEW Integrated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW938/938H - 10 units
- NEW Integrated DTH Surface Drill Rig HW953 - 10 units
- NEW Bolter DTH Surface Drill Rig W920S - 10 units
- NEW Bolter DTH Surface Drill Rig HW925S - 10 units
This product is continuously improved as technology advances. The difference between the parameters and the actual product is subject to the actual product.
Submit the form for more parameters and quotes.
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